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Manifesting - The Divine Paradigm
Journey begins August 4, 2019
I’m so excited to be going back to Creating the Book Club Community!
💫Way back in early 2015 I brought my love of books, personal development and manifesting together in a group named “Magical Moments Book Club”.
💫Lately I’ve been feeling guided to bring my love of books and manifesting back together again to create a community of like minds to journey together for 8 weeks!!
💫Manifesting and our beliefs around manifesting was ignited way back when the SECRET was introduced as a manifesting tool. ⬇️
💫We have evolved since then and so has the paradigm of conscious co-creation. Together we embody and embrace the way of GRACE.
We will be reading together and following Tosha Silvers “It’s Not Your Money” as the launch 🚀 to this Journey.
How it will work:
You purchase “It’s not you money” by Tosha Silver (book or audible whatever works best for you). Takes 2 days on amazon and it’s at your doorstep.
💫We begin: August 4th
💫We meet: Every Sunday Evening 6pm for a live Zoom session on each chapter.
💫We discuss chapter principles; share personal experiences, actively experience Meditations as a group and more...
💫There will be a private fb group to post and share. This group is where I will show up to hold us accountable to the reading and staying aligned as we journey through the 8 weeks. I will invite you to be an active member in the fb group.
💫When 2 or more gather miracles happen. It’s time to release the old paradigms and surrender into the Abundance of the Universe... and what’s meant to be.
Purchase: It’s Not My Money by Tosha Silver
Start: Aug 4th
Time: 6pm I’ve blocked out 1 hour for Zoom sessions for 8 weeks.
Exchange of Energy: 44$
💫💫💫💫Magic, Miracles, Grace & Ease... together we let go to allow what’s meant. 💫💫💫💫
Once you register I will add you to the private group and all posts with further information will be posted there. 😃🌈😇
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